Vadakkethalackal Maha Kudumbayogam is governed by a Central Committee formed on a yearly basis, consisting of representatives from all Shakha. A President, four vice presidents, a General Secretary, a Jt. Secretary, and a Treasurer are elected from among the shakha representatives. A Patron, normally a senior priestly figure from any shakha, will be the Supreme head of the Committee. Regular Central Committee meetings are held, to resolve and implement various programs taken up by the committee.
The Annual General Meeting of the Maha Kudumbayogam is held in December every year, immediately after X-mas, normally on 26th. Dignitaries from out side the family are invited as Chief Guests and to inaugurate cultural programs and activities in this function. This is an occasion for all the shakha members from far, near and abroad to gather, to see and express love and affection and renew the family-bond, each other. Normally a thousand members attend this function.
Rev. T. M. Philipose
Thadathel House, Ooriyapadical